We’re now into the second year of the Woking Peregrine Project, and so far things have gone extremely well. Two new cameras were installed, one looking along the ledge where the nest box is located and the other viewing the birds’ favoured spot on the North End. This has given us some great views that really add an extra dimension to the experience. Last year’s pair have remained on top of Export House and are now into the breeding season. They have produced 5 eggs, which is something of a rarity, and this has stimulated quite a bit of interest.
We were delighted when we were contacted by ITV London, looking to broadcast a short piece on our resident pair, and a couple of weeks ago Martin Stew from ITV popped down to Woking in order to film. The resulting piece was broadcast live on Tuesday 28th March on regional ITV London News at tea time. James Sellen, from the WWF, did an excellent interview, and I was lucky enough to have a couple of my images shown (see below), along with a number of clips recorded from the web cam.
When the eggs hatch there’s the chance of a follow on piece, so fingers crossed that all goes well.
You can view the broadcast here
For more information about the Woking Peregrine Project click here.